With our three-part series, we’ll get you ready to reach your top consumers, connect with retail buyers, and prep your business for growth.

You had a fantastic trade show, met some enthusiastic buyers, and had great conversations. Now it’s time to turn that effort into results.


  1. TIMING IS EVERYTHING. You’re exhausted from traveling, packing and unpacking your booth, and getting caught up on your work while you were out. We get it and we’ve all been there. But it’s important to follow-up right away with buyers. You want to stay top of mind with them, as the more time passes, the more likely you are to be forgotten. You worked hard to leave a lasting, unique impression. Don’t let a few days cannibalize your efforts. Send a follow-up email as soon as you get back to your shop. Plus, the early bird gets the worm. While your peers are getting caught up, you'll be strides ahead and sitting at the top of the inboxes of your key buyers.

  2. GET SOCIAL. While you’re still at the trade show, start following and engaging with your buyer contacts on social. Connect with them on LinkedIn, follow and comment on their Instagram, and follow and engage them on Twitter. You could also consider sending a special shout-out referencing your convo. Regardless, get creative with ways to keep communication going and be authentic. A text message during the conference is another simple way to connect with buyers and let them know that you appreciated their time and are looking forward to chatting again soon.

  3. REFERENCE YOUR NOTES. As we mentioned in our previous post, it’s important to take copious notes after meeting with each buyer. In your follow-up message, be sure to reference details that you discussed during your conversation. Did someone tell a fun story? Include a little detail as a nod to the conversation. End the message with an action item or question so you can keep the line of communication going.

  4. FORGE A FRIENDSHIP. It’s much easier to develop a relationship with someone while you’re both attending the same event. Once you get back to the hustle and bustle, it’s a lot harder to meaningfully connect with someone. So why not make the effort to develop a friendship while you have the chance? By trying to cultivate a relationship at the event right away, you’ll be much more effective.

  5. MAXIMIZE YOUR SCHEDULE. Try to get the most out of your time at the event by scheduling in various meetings. Consider asking a buyer out to breakfast, for cocktails or early morning coffee so you can continue the conversation and nurture the relationship.

Regardless of your approach, it’s important to be authentic. Focus less on “just selling stuff” and more on developing a genuine partnership. After you’ve had a chance to pitch your products or your brand, move on. Turn the focus around to the buyer and start learning about them. Find ways to connect or find common ground. This goes a long way to creating a lasting impression.